Your Genres

Choose from numbers of genres that you like. You don't like watching scary shows? No problem! You can select only genres you like to see and get recommended.


Choose from the variety of streaming platforms from all around the world. We help you make a decision on which streaming service you should subscribe to based on the shows you like.


Enjoy discovering new tv shows as easy as swiping left or right. Swipe left to reject the show and swipe right to say add to your watchlist.


Select shows you watched and liked in the past so we can recommend shows similar to those. We are certain you will love our recommendations.

Quick Glance

Wanna learn more about the show you swipe? You don't have to go anywhere. Just swipe up to learn about the show you just discovered. You can read quick synopsis and watch trailer directly on the app.

Your Watchlist

Collect a bunch of shows that you like so you would never have to aimlessly scroll through a list of so-so shows ever again. Create a watchlist that is tailored to your taste!

App Worth Swiping

Showswiper is the first in a series of apps that we will create for the community. Please give us your thoughts and feedbacks. You can support us by buying us a coffee or two (link below).


Please give us feedbacks
We would love to hear from you. We enjoy hearing what show you discover and how good they are! We're a tv show nerd just like you!


Show us some love by buying us coffee
Thank you for all your support. We hope our free app helps you discover new and interesting shows from exotic parts of the world. You can support us by buying us a coffee here.

Report Bugs

Let us know how we can improve
Let us know if you discover some bugs in the app. We are still an app baby. We have a lot to learn. Thanks for your patience.

Let us know if you have any suggestions.

Contact us

The Team Behind Show Swiper 

We are creators who create passionate project dedicated to crafting captivating products through the combination of AI technology and an intuitive user interface.

Built for the future

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